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Samprit Sarkar

A Programmer
By Profession And Passion


Picture of Samprit Sarkar

Hi, I'm Samprit. I'm a learner, programmer, freelancer and explorer of new technologies. I have been programming for almost 3 years now. I'm a former Web Developer of Laravel. If there is any sort of Laravel Projects, I'm always in!
Another favorite language of mine is Python. I'm also having some couple of projects in django as well. I did some couple of application development for desktop in python also. Right now I'm exploring the fields of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python. Digging deeper into the libraries like 'Tensorflow', 'Keras' etc.
Apart from that, in my earlier days, I did my hands dirty in Native Android App Development too. Having some of the small scale projects in NAD as well. You can always check out my Github profile any time for any purpose.
Moreover, I'm a programmer cum Problem Solver who loves to debug things! In my free time (which is btw a very rare case), I love to read books with a cup of tea in hand!


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    HTML / CSS / JS

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    Machine Learning

My Services

App Development

I design and develop Native Android apps which can boost your business rapidly.

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Need to design your website with HTML, CSS, JS? Or May be you need some custom logo/graphics made on Illustrator, I'm here to help!

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Python Development

Any sort of automation scripting or application development using Python ? I'm always In!

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Laravel Development

Having Couple of Solid Project on Laravel and Custom PHP. Need a Web Application ? Just ping me!

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Machine Learning / AI

Well, This is sort of my hobby topic but You'll find some couple of ML projects on my GitHub. Check that out!

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Django Development

From small micro-services to large scale production ready backend, everything can be customized as per your business needs in Django.

Want to hire for freelancing ? Lets get in touch quickly !

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    Projects Done

  • satisfied clients


    Happy Faces

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    Cups of tea


Contact Form that is being backed by a Machine Learning Model to filter spammy words! No third-party services! Pure scikit-learn based model trained by me! Try it out!

Art of man wearing glasses on cloud of questions